Our Staff
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Pennington - Headteacher
Mrs Lowell - Deputy Headteacher (Deputy DSL, Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Assessment, Pupil Premium)
Mrs Painter - Deputy Headteacher (Deputy DSL, Behavioyr, Attendance, PSHE and Personal Development)
Mrs James - Assistant Head (Deputy DSL, EYFS< KS1, English, Reading and Phonics)
Mrs Bull - (DSL, SENCO, Inclusion)
Class Teachers
EYFS Mrs Farnsworth, Miss Williams, Mrs Greenwood
Year 1 Miss Whiteley / Mrs James
Year 2 Miss Houlston
Year 3 Mrs Reeves
Year 4 Mrs Reed
Year 5 Mrs Chambers-Bligh
Year 6 Mr Allison, Mrs Bull, Mrs Painter
PE Mr Farnsworth
Rainbows Mr McDermott
Teaching Assistants
Miss Williams Mrs Reed, Mrs Tate, Miss Spragg, Mrs Quiney, Mrs Batsford, Miss Dyoss, Miss Clarke, Mrs Pool, Mrs Bell, Mrs Williams, Miss Jordan
Pastoral Team
Miss Griffin - Behaviour Support
Miss Whiteley - Learning Mentor
Mrs Jeynes - Family Liason officer / Deputy DSL
Office and Site Staff
Miss Hall - Business Support officer, HR, Finance and PA to the headteacher
Mrs Puplett - Administrator / Receptionist
Mr Bonner - Caretaker
Lunchtime Supervisors
Miss Bridgwater, Miss Tipper, Mrs Hodgkins, Miss Crowther, Mrs Manton,
Cleaning Staff
Miss Robinson, Miss Tipper,