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Week 1 - Week Beginning Monday 1st June

Welcome back! I hope you had a lovely half term break.

Work has been set below for this week. 

Make sure you continue to read and practise your times tables on TT Rockstars.

Please contact me by 230 each day on Class Dojo or on the School Text System!


Miss Chambers



This week, you will need to write your own fact files! Each fact file needs to be all about a natural disaster. 

Monday: Identify the features of a fact file.

Tuesday: Choose your own natural disaster and start researching key facts. 

Wednesday: Plan your fact file

Thursday: Write your own fact file

Friday: Complete your fact file and include a labelled diagram.


Please complete one SPAG activity each week. 

Choose 5-10 spellings from the 3/4 Statutory Spelling list. Practise your spellings using your best handwriting. Every Friday, test your child on these spellings. 


Your NICER task is based around flooding, which links to our topic 'Catastrophes'. 

Maths Year 3

Focus: Fractions

Please find each activity below.

There is an intial video for each activity, explaining each method. Look at week 2 on the website for the videos (scroll to the bottom and select 'Week 2')

Maths Year 4

Focus: Division

Please find each activity below.

There is an intial video for each activity, explaining each method. Look at week 2 on the website for the videos (scroll to the bottom and select 'Week 2')


How are fossils made?

Click HERE to find out about how fossils are formed.

Complete the task below


Here is Mr Farnsworth explaining the three types of rocks. Can you spot the difference.


Have a go at drawing your very own fossil. You can choose a fossil below or find your own to sketch. 

Fossils Artwork
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