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Week 3 - Week Beginning Monday 15th June

Hi there! Hope you had a good week!

Work has been set below for this week. 

Make sure you continue to read and practise your times tables on TT Rockstars.

Please contact us by 2.30pm each day on Class Dojo or on the School Text System!



Click HERE for your daily BBC Bitesize lessons!


Complete 1 SPAG activity, which can be found below.

Continue to practise 5-10 spellings from the 3/4 Statutory Spelling List. Practise each word daily in your home logs. On Friday, please test your child on their spellings. 


This week there will be a Japanese theme as the country has a rich history of natural disasters. First up is some art - have a go at some Japanese writing. Science and Geography to follow. 


See above for geography, some computing and science below.


Click HERE for the Maths activities!

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