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Week 5 - Week Beginning Monday 18th May

Bee Week! 

This week we will be reading 'The Bear and the Bees by Ella Richardson and Lydia Monks.



Good evening, I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend.
I am in school again tomorrow and Tuesday, so here is tomorrow's work.
Today I would like you to listen to the story of this week ‘Bear and the Bees’ by Ella Richardson and Lydia Monks (I had not realised she has contributed to so many books, she is amazing!) I will add the video onto another post so it is easy for you to find.
We are going to explore subtracting this week, as we have not done subtracting for a long time, please can you start by counting backwards from 20, parents and carers, we like to do this as if we are rockets getting ready for take-off. I would then like you to make a number line starting from 20 and going all the way to 0 (Parents/ Carers, you can use your numbers that were sent out at the start of school closure or just write the numbers on pieces paper). Boys and girls count backwards again to help you to remember what number comes next in the sequence if you are stuck. Parents and Carers, could you give the children around 5 numbers to start with: 20 - 15, then 14 - 10, then the rest so that they don't just have lots of numbers to identify which ones they need.
You will need to keep this number line safe; we will be using it tomorrow!


I am so impressed with the work being sent in! Keep it up, I would like to give out some more certificates soon! As you know, I am in school again tomorrow, so here is your work.
Today you are going to subtract using objects, you or your grown-ups will need to choose a number,  please can you get that amount of objects, then, choose another number (this number has to be a smaller number) and take away that many from your group. How many do you have left? That is your answer!
Here are some questions your grown-ups could ask you.
- How many have you got left?
- How many did you start with?
- How many did you take away?
- Can you say your number sentence?
Can you use your number line to help you. Were you right?
If you would like to record it, you can do this in 2 ways, you can write a number sentence, 3 – 2 = 1. Or you can record this pictorially, we do both ways in school. Pictorial representation for subtraction is when you draw circles and cross out the amount taken away and then circle the amount left. That is then your total. See my picture as an example, it is one subtraction problem shown into step 1, 2 and 3.
PIctorial subtracting(2)


Morning! What a beautiful day it is! Hope you all have lots of fun in the sun!
Today's task is to draw a picture of a Bee and describe it. You could describe it by labelling it, or you might choose to write sentences about it. The choice is yours!
I have attached lots of fact files about Bees which you could look through to find out information about the Bees you are going to describe.
I wonder if any of you can spot a Bee today!
Have fun!


Good morning! It's going to be a fabulous day, I just know it will be!
You are all doing a wonderful job! We are very very proud! Keep going until tomorrow and then we will be on half term for a whole week!
Today, we would like you to write a list of 5 facts about Bees, including, their job and where they live.
You can use yesterdays facts and today's facts to help you, or if you know somewhere else you can find out information go for it!
We can't wait to see your lists!
FRIDAY: Good morning! IT'S FRIDAY! Yay!
Today we are going to 'pause' mini-beasts for a day. We would like you to choose something special you would like to do over the holidays, draw a picture and write about it. It could be anything from "I would like to bake a rainbow cake" to "I want to wear my party dress and have a disco in the living room."
And then after the holidays, we definitely want to see pictures of you doing your activity!
I hope you have fun deciding what you would like to do!
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